By Jason Wilson
I'm Jason Wilson and I'm originally from Atlanta, Georgia, but for the past 20 years, I have lived in Colombia, South America. This year, I became a Spiritual Dream Coach. I help people deal with PTSD, depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation by focusing on supernatural topics like dreams, visions, and dream interpretations as found in the Bible.
The motivation to research dreams and learn to interpret them comes from my own supernatural experiences in dreams. The fascinating thing for me is that there are three elements that make up a person: the soul (which is the mind), the body, and the spirit.
Your spirit leaves your body every night and enters the spiritual realm or spiritual dimension. God uses this spiritual dimension to give us inspiration, encouragement, and joy. This may come in the form of an idea, concept, witty invention, or re-connection with a loved one who has passed away. God may also give us warnings, direction, or answers to problems that we can't resolve.
My main objective in helping people who are suffering from mental health concerns is to pinpoint the origin of their fears and interpret their dreams to give them insight on how to overcome them. To do this, it's important to examine faith vs. fear and how each functions.
Faith comes from God. It is the belief in the unseen. Positive thoughts and words will connect you to God's promises: love, protection, blessings, peace, happiness, financial prosperity, health, long life, relationships, and fertility. God is always concerned about your present condition and your future. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)
Fear comes from the enemy. It is a belief in the negative or the possibility of something negative happening. Negative thoughts will connect you to hate, abandonment, curses, conflict, sadness, poverty, disease/infirmity, death, loneliness, and infertility/barrenness. The enemy ALWAYS reminds you of your past.
When dealing with a mental health concern, the enemy bombards your mind with negative thoughts on a constant basis. These thoughts are: "You're not enough", "Nobody loves you", "You're unlovable", "You'll never make it", "If you weren't here, you would no longer be a burden to anyone", "Everyone would be better off without you", "You're no good", etc.
If you're constantly having these kinds of thoughts, I want you to know that it's not your fault for having them and they're not coming from you. They're coming from the enemy. He uses demonic spirits to give us suggestions in our minds that will influence us to speak negative words or take actions out of fear to cause our own downfall.
It doesn't matter what level of fear you have, it's not good, because it will open a door for a bigger fear to manifest in your life.
The dream that led me on the path to becoming a Spiritual Dream Coach occurred in 2011, which was a really hard year for my wife and me. She was pregnant with twins, and in my family, it's a big deal because there are 9 sets of twins on my father's side.
My wife had a miscarriage in her 2nd month, and with all the expectation surrounding the birth, it sent me into a depression. At the same time, I hadn't heard from my mother for about a month and a half, which was really unusual, because we were always close. So, I decided to give her a call.
When she answered the phone, I asked her how she was doing and she said, "Not too good, Jason." I knew something was terribly wrong, but she couldn't tell me what was going on, because her boyfriend was in the room with her. This boyfriend was into black magic and used it to control and manipulate my mother.
He would do things like take her to the ATM when she received her monthly retirement check and have her withdraw all her money to spend on whatever he wanted. As a result, her rent wasn't being paid, and neither were the rest of her bills.
After we hung up the phone, I asked God to show me what was going on with my mother in a dream. That night, I had a lucid dream where I was on the top of a building downtown in a city that I didn't recognize. I looked towards the edge of the building and saw a huge bus full of people. They were screaming as the inside was filling up with turquoise-blue water, and I couldn't see where the water was coming from.
The bus then fell off the top of the building and crashed to the ground. I went down to the street level and saw the bus. As I pulled the door open on the bus, all of the turquoise-blue water gushed out and I went inside. All the people were dead, but at the back of the bus was my mother, and she was alive. So, I pulled her out of the bus and I woke up from the dream.
I knew from what I saw that something awful was going on with my mom, and I also knew that I had to get on a flight immediately and get home to see her. I caught a flight and arrived at the Atlanta airport. Red flag number one was when I was expecting my mom to pick me up, but her boyfriend picked me up instead. Red flag number two was when I arrived at her apartment, I saw that all of the hair on the top of my mother's head had fallen out. I discerned that it was from all the stress of dealing with her boyfriend and her financial situation.
Weeks later, while watching TV, my mom and I were watching an episode of a show called "Snapped." She later told me about another episode where a woman found out that her husband was cheating on her. She became so jealous and angry that she planned to kill him by giving him a cup of anti-freeze mixed with Coke to drink. Her husband drank the mixture and got so sick that he had to go to the emergency room. He was dead 24 hours later.
Then my mother said, "Do you see that cup on my nightstand?" I said, "Yeah!" "Do you know what's in it?" I said, "No". "Take the lid off and look inside". Now mind you, that cup had been sitting on her nightstand for at least a few weeks, and I thought it was empty.
So I took the lid off and asked, "What is this???" She said, "If you hadn't gotten on a plane when you did and arrived here, I would be dead right now from drinking this. It's anti-freeze with Coke."
And do you know the color of the liquid in the cup? It was turquoise-blue!
Needless to say, I was in a state of shock while trying to process what she was telling me. Later, it dawned on me that the dream God gave me saved my mom from killing herself!
From that dream, I began to research pastors that did dream interpretation, and I found out that there were 20 categories of dreams. The one I had was a Prophecy dream, and the following is the interpretation:
I was the focus of the dream and the symbols in the dream were:
The building represents productivity
The bus represents a large number of people to minister to
The turquoise-blue water represents the Holy Spirit The dead people represent suicide victims
God was telling me that He would use me to help a large number of people to prevent them from committing suicide. I would be productive in my calling and would be guided by the Holy Spirit in doing so.
The advice I give everyone is that if you can't remember your dreams, ask God to help you remember them. When you have a dream, the first thing you should do upon waking up is write down or use your phone to record how you feel. Are you happy, encouraged, motivated, or at peace? Or are you frustrated, angry, depressed, or anxious?
Then, write down or record all the symbols from your dream that you can remember. Take note of the people, weather, time of day, clothing that you're wearing, any colors, buildings, rooms of a house, mode of transportation, animals, objects, insects, food, and numbers.
After that, contact me to help you interpret your dream!
About The Author
Jason Wilson
Jason Wilson, Spiritual Dream Coach and CEO of Circle Of Friends Club, is on a mission to empower people all over the world to use their God given power and authority to overcome depression, anxiety, PTSD and suicidal ideation. His coaching series, “Connection To The Promise” is a guide to successfully navigating the dream world or spiritual dimension in order to receive healing from trauma, past hurt, unforgiveness and rejection.
Jason’s Circle Of Friends Club is a global mental wellness community and resource where people can make friends, attend events and find the right therapists and coaches. His podcast show, “Circle Back To You” features the mental wellness practitioners, entrepreneurs, athletes and entertainers we have featured in the Circle Of Friends Club community.
Connect with Jason Wilson on LinkedIn to learn more about his work and insights here.
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